Privacy Policy

Last Updated: 8/22/2023


Welcome to The Pixel Prophet (“we,” “our,” or “us”). We are committed to protecting your privacy and providing transparency about how we collect, use, and safeguard your personal information. This Privacy Policy explains the types of data we collect and how we use it. By using our website [], you consent to the practices described in this policy.

Types of Data Collected

We collect the following personal information:

  • Names
  • Email addresses
  • Phone numbers
  • Address
  • Third-party collection of credit/debit card information through apps like PayPal or other CRM platforms with their own privacy policies.

We also collect non-personal information, including analytics and site traffic data.

Methods of Collection

We collect user data through contact forms on our website.

Purposes of Data Collection

We collect user data for the following purposes:

  • To provide services and respond to inquiries
  • To improve user experience on our website
  • For marketing purposes

Legal Basis for Processing

We process user data based on consent provided by users.

Sharing of Data

We do not share personal user data with third parties. We may share interactive data on the site, such as user session information and page visits.

Data Security

We ensure the security of user data through encrypted communication using HTTPS protocol.

Data Retention

We retain user data permanently.

User Rights

Users can exercise their rights regarding their data by contacting us at []. You may request access, correction, or deletion of your data.

Cookies and Tracking Technologies

We use Google Analytics for tracking user session information and visits to our site. For more information, refer to Google Analytics’ Privacy Policy at [].

Third-Party Links

We do not currently provide links to third-party sites. Any future links to third-party sites will be subject to those sites’ privacy policies.

Children’s Privacy

We do not solicit services to children or knowingly collect information from children.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

Updates to this Privacy Policy will be posted on our website.

Contact Information

For privacy-related inquiries or concerns, please contact us at [].

Thank you for trusting The Pixel Prophet with your privacy.

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